I absolutely LOVE this store. Sadly, my budget strongly disagrees with me. The last time I ended up with lots and lots of awesome things from Williams-Sonoma was just about 10 years ago... at my wedding. We registered here, and are still eating off of the white dishes with simple blue trim. Classic, and we haven't broken a single one! If I could have a part-time job, I would love to work here... just think of the discount! But, let's be honest - I would never make a single dime. I'd be paying them to work there.
Here are some of my current favorites from their website -

I need this. I actually need four of them. Yeah, you heard right. I'm always responsible for four pies at Thanksgiving dinner - 2 chocolate and 2 pumpkin. Wouldn't they look perfect in these pie plates?
Heirloom Pumpkin Dipping Bowls. Love.
I'm a little obsessed with dipping bowls have have a ridiculous amount of them in many colors and sizes.
But, I don't have any festive fall ones!
I'm only 4 months away from making the finest baby-food known to... well, babies. Charlie will be utterly and completely impressed by the food I'll be whipping up from this book! Or, maybe he'll just spit it all out anyways. Worth a try.
I see awesome recipes rather frequently that I pass over, just because I don't have a thermometer. If I had one of these, I could fry stuff... and make caramel... and... well... other stuff, too.
Honestly, I could go on for days about the amazing good at WS. But, that might bore you... and then you would probably stop reading my blog.
Hope you enjoyed Windowshop Wednesday!
Those little pumpkin bowls made my heart all warm and fuzzy...me thinks me needs... :)
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